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When you buy a piece of pressure washing equipment from Water Cannon, we don’t just ship it to you and forget about you. We offer free ongoing technical support for all of the equipment we sell, including our pressure washers. From our popular Honda pressure washer models to our pumps and engines - and beyond - we are here to answer your questions and provide support for the life of your machines.

If you have any questions about pressure washing equipment you have purchased from Water Cannon, please do not hesitate to email us at or contact us by phone at 1-800-964-9274. We are also more than happy to suggest replacement parts and useful pressure washer accessories to accompany any equipment you may already own. We offer FREE technical support on all of the products Water Cannon sells, and we have the technical knowledge to suggest the exact equipment and replacement parts to meet your needs. We have had customers email us images of parts and equipment so we could provide the appropriate product recommendations, and we are happy to do the same for you. We can also customize any pressure washer for you to suit the jobs you have at hand. We look forward to working with you!
